New Linux Installs

Let a Linux specialist install your new Linux server or workstation system from the ground up. Having someone who knows Linux inside out is the best way to set up your server or workstation properly right from the start. Although ACM will tackle any of them, it works primarily with these flavors of Linux:

Debian – One of the most secure Linux Operating Systems

CentOS – Community ENTerprise Operating System

FedoraCore – Fedora Core 1 through the latest version

OpenSUSE – Open Software und System-Entwicklung

Arch Linux – Arch Linux

Linux Upgrades

Have you kept your systems up to date? Having a Linux specialist upgrade your current Linux servers/desktops as far as you’d like or as far as we can is the best, most secure way to go.

Linux Documentation

Do you have a mystery Linux server? For that Linux server buried in the back closet – the hidden server that you don’t quite remember how is configured or what it’s doing –  we’re here to help. We’ll investigate your Linux servers and will provide whatever types of documentation to make it (or them) useful and productive to your company.

Linux Training

Do you have Linux servers and a team not fully up to speed?  We provide basic Linux training for small groups to help get folks up to speed on Linux.

Linux Machine Maintenance

Are you concerned about your Linux machine? Let us help. We can tune it, clean it, and work it back into the machine you once knew.

Custom Linux Projects

Such things as firewalls, spam filters, and other projects not yet thought of for your various flavors of Linux boxes.

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