
  • Up to four email accounts are INCLUDED at no extra charge with any standard business website hosting package.
  • Any domain name owned by the end user may have email attached to it.
  • Prices do not include the cost of the domain name.
  • The average cost for common domain names (like .com, .net, .org. .biz, .us, .info, .art) is approximately $15 per year.
  • Canceling during the first year will activate setup and early disconnection fees.
  • CharlesWorks provides the email servers locally except for Microsoft products.
  • The end email user is responsible for connecting through the software or device of their choice, and must go to the software or device vendor for help with connecting using the software or device vendor’s products or services.
  • As a courtesy, CharlesWorks does have some basic email hookup information and instructions online at
  • Remember that no one can guarantee email will work 100% of the time due to circumstances beyond our control ranging from internet outages through bad cell phone service or dead spots.
  • Email should NEVER be relied upon as a method of communicating in emergency situations.

** Business emails hosted at CharlesWorks with a website hosted elsewhere are $19.99 per month and includes up to 4 email accounts. Business rates apply to all websites used for commerce including e-commerce or supporting a business endeavor.


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