Web Hosting Services

CharlesWorks operates its own web server infrastructure. That means that besides website development and search engine optimization, we are also a web hosting company. As a website hoster, we provide you with server space for your website. That space includes all of the files associated with your website’s operation. When your web address (your domain name) is typed in a web browser, CharlesWorks serves up your website’s pages.

We’ve been providing website hosting since 1998. We have been connected to the Internet backbone via a dedicated gigabit fiber connection since 2012. CharlesWorks has onsite uninterruptable power supplies on its servers that keep your site up until our backup generator kicks in to keep you online in the event of a power failure. All of this allows CharlesWorks staff unfettered access to your website any time of day regardless of local power circumstances.

Here are some other important things to consider when choosing where to host your website:

Server Locations

It’s important to know that you have right to choose who you do your hosting business with. Many web developers will arrange for your web hosting. Oftentimes, the server that your site is with may actually be in another part of the country, or even out of the country. When your dollars go to an out-of-country company, you are supporting that country’s economy as opposed to your own.

At CharlesWorks, we operate our own Linux and Windows servers and infrastructure on site in Peterborough, NH. There is no “middle-man” company we deal with in that regard.

We also have servers and infrastructure available to us in several other parts of the United States for offsite cloud based backup storage. We can truly say we are a local, American web services company.

Affordable Costs

At just $19.99 per month for hosting that includes your SSL certificate and daily backups going back a month. Our hosting costs are comparable with other hosting companies, but our personal service is priceless. Please note that this cost is commensurate with the size of the site and its traffic. We obviously can’t host the American Heart Association for that price. But we most likely can handle your website or startup e-commerce site.

Cheap hosting usually comes with little or no service that mostly provides opportunities for advertisers. Such companies sell your private contact information to supplement their bottom line. CharlesWorks does not ever sell your private information. We at CharlesWorks know and care about our clients and make ourselves available for them to keep the services available round the clock.

Referrals to You
Did you ever get a customer referral from another hosting company? What is a referral worth to you?

At CharlesWorks, we actually make referrals to our clients. We send those needing your company’s services to you every opportunity we get. That simply doesn’t happen with the big companies where clients are simply anonymous account numbers.

Platform Options
We supply services on both Windows and Linux platforms.

Our servers will support sites created using HTML, .net, ASP, or most versions PHP. We also handle most Content Management Systems, and MySQL database driven systems. Another of CharlesWorks advantages is having its own servers tuned best for running the most popular platform today: WordPress. The WordPress platform is used by about 40% of all websites on planet Earth (as of 2022).

SSL Encryption
CharlesWorks offers FREE encryption services! We offer free SSL certificates for all sites hosted on our Linux based hosting infrastructure.

SSL is an encryption protocol that helps guarantee you have reached the website you actually expected to reach. For instance, scammers and hackers set up phony bank or other websites to scam you.

Having SSL helps raise your website visitor’s confidence that he or she reached the correct site. SSL also helps ensure that information entered on a site is not read by others along the way – which can happen much more easily with an insecure connection.

Daily Backups
In case of power outages, lost data, equipment failure, hacked sites, does your current web host maintain a backup of your files?

At CharlesWorks, we maintain backups of ALL of our websites on a regular basis for those unforeseen circumstances.

Bear in mind that at CharlesWorks you can have your own web developer or even maintain your site yourself should you wish to do so. In such cases, you are responsible to ensure your site materials are backed up, as we cannot assume responsibility for sites we do not maintain.

That being said, all of our WordPress sites are backed up automatically each night after midnight and kept for a month. This backup is maintained off site from the server your site is on to minimize the possibility of loss.

No Contracts
We do not require contracts for any of our services – simply adherence to our terms of service. And just like the very largest of companies, no one can guarantee 100% uptime. We feel that by providing quality service to our clients, contracts are certainly unnecessary.

We want to provide the best service to you consistently – not just when a contract is renewing.

On some products that are prepaid, additional charges may apply for early cancellation, as with email packages that we have waived setup fees when prepaid by the year. Early cancellation requires that we charge those fees prior to any refunds. Nearly all of our competitors do not issue any refunds at all.

Ample Server Space
5,000 megabytes of server space is provided for most websites.

That is plenty of space for most very large websites. If more space is needed, we of course will provide that at a small additional charge.

Website Statistics
“Stats” is a common web slang word for web statistics. It is simply software showing how often and from where a web site is being visited.

More sophisticated stats software helps our clients understand when and where their visitors from. On our platforms, we provide our clients with access to their log files and stats so that they can monitor traffic to their site using the popular AWStats or Webalizer software.

On any platform, the user can always choose to install and use Google Analytics into their website coding as well.

Incredible Support
CharlesWorks provides down to earth, friendly support.

We take pride in avoiding technical jargon! We like our web clients to feel comfortable calling us with questions or for help, without their having to feel like they ever have to be a web guru!

Our best testimonials are received as a result of our service. We’ve found that people want someone to talk to who they are confident will explain things to them understandably and who is genuinely interested in helping them resolve problems when they arise. That’s what we do.

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