Website Development

Website Development

CharlesWorks offers a variety of options for creating and maintaining websites, and most importantly, getting your site found by search engines.

* Design Options

We custom modify a theme template to fit your branding.

We can provide support and instructions for our clients to maintain, edit, or add to their own website at the same pricing that we charge to do the work. In the long term you can keep your website maintenance costs down by you or your staff learning how to do the work. We only offer this service to our web hosting clients.

Although we are able to work with you through email, the best way to help you arrive at the website you want is to get to know YOU, and find out what you like. While the best way to do that is to meet in person, we know that is seldom possible. Conversation on a phone call is the next best thing.

We offer ideas and options to develop your vision.  We will work with your existing branding and logo, help you develop your branding with design ideas and logo creation, or work with your own graphic designer to create the website that represents your business, and fits your needs.

* Copy and Content

Writing copy for your website so that it is engaging and informative requires being able to step out of your own shoes and see your business like your audience does. For that reason, it is often better to have someone else write your copy from an objective point of view. We will publish your copy as you provide it, work with your current writer, or write copy for you.

* Price Options

The cost of a website varies. One can spend anywhere from a couple hundred dollars for a simple web page template, to many thousands of dollars, depending on the complexity and size of the website. We often use the analogy of building a new home. Do you want a two car garage? No garage? Two bedrooms? Eight bedrooms? Oftentimes, a single page site is the most affordable solution, which can be built upon at any later time. However, bear in mind that adding bells and whistles to a single page site will increase the cost.

Our website costs are calculated by the hour, not by the project.  We do our best to give you a realistic estimate based upon the scope of your website needs. Logo, Colors, Branding, Fonts…Will you need us to write copy? Will this be a WooCommerce site (for online sales)? How much SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will be involved? Who will provide the images? Will contact forms be involved?

All of these elements that are part of creating the website takes time. We are flexible in handling a change in course, or adding another idea, but that also often adds more time to the original estimate.

We do not ask for the full estimate up front. A 50% deposit is asked for to get started and payment as each invoice comes due is expected.

Once all website development is fully paid for, you own your website. Many web developers “own” their clients’ websites and do not allow them to be moved. Many others build websites for their clients on platforms that do not allow migration or moving or even backing up the site. This means that with CharlesWorks, you are free to migrate the site elsewhere should you not be pleased with our service. To reiterate: at CharlesWorks once your web development is paid for in full you own your website and can move it elsewhere should you be unhappy with our services.

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