Used Computer Manuals

Analysis with Reflex
Ralph Roberts
Publisher: Tab Books, Inc.
Notes: like new, soft cover, 212+ pages, list $16.95

BASIC for Microcomputers
Roger W. Haigh and Loren E. Radford
Year: 1983
Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company
Notes: very good, hard cover, 300+ pages, list $22.45

Build Your Own Working Fiberoptic Infrared and Laser Space-Age Projects
Robert E. Iannini
Year: 1987
Publisher: Tab Books
Notes: good, soft cover, 262+ pages, list $16.95

David Linthicum's Guide to Client/Server and Intranet Development
David Linthicum
Year: 1997
Publisher: Wiley Computer Publishing
Notes: new, soft cover, 526 pages, list $34.99

Developing Business Systems in SQL
Chris Gane
Year: 1986
Publisher: Rapid System Development, Inc.
Notes: good, soft cover, 550+ pages, list $45.00

DrawPlus 1.0 Owner's Handbook - DrawPlus Desktop Publishing Made Easy
Serif, Inc.
Year: 1994
Publisher: Serif, Inc.
Notes:like new, soft cover, 82+ pages

Fundamentals of FORTRAN 77 Programming, A Structured Approach, Third Edition
Robert C. Nickerson
Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company
Notes: good, soft cover, 537 pages

Getting Results with Microsoft Office 97
Microsoft Corporation
Year: 1997
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Notes: Very good, soft cover, 703 pages, covers PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, Excel, and Access

i-Net+ Study Guide, Second Edition
David Groth & Dorothy McGee
Year: 2002
Publisher: Sybex, San Francisco
Notes: new, hardcover, 600 pages, preparation for Exam IK0-002, with CD, list $49.99

Inside CP/M, A Guide for Users and Programmers with CP/M-86 and MP/M2
David E. Cortesi
Year: 1982
Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Notes: good, soft cover, 569 pages, list $26.45

Internet Publishing with Acrobat
Gordon Kent
Year: 1996
Publisher: Adobe Press
Notes: excellent, soft cover, 380 pages, list $40.00

Mastering C
Craig Bolon
Year: 1986
Publisher: Sybex
Notes: good, soft cover, 437+ pages

Microsoft MS-DOS
Everex Systems
Year: 1988
Publisher: Everex Systems
Notes: like new, soft cover, 420+ pages, version 3.3

Microsoft MS-DOS 6
Microsoft Corporation
Year: 1993
Publisher: Microsoft
Notes: like new, soft cover, 321+ pages

Microsoft Word, User's Guide
Microsoft Corporation
Year: 1994
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Notes: like new, soft cover, 862 pages, version 6.0

Microsoft Word for Windows, User's Guide
Microsoft Corporation
Year: 1991
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Notes: like new, soft cover, 849 pages, version 2.0

MS-DOS 5 Quick Reference
Timothy S. Stanley
Year: 1991
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Notes: like new, soft cover, 849 pages, version 2.0

Music through MIDI: Using MIDI to create your own electronic music system
Michael Boom
Year: 1987
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Notes: like new, soft cover, 321+ pages

Picture Library Computers
N. S. Barrett
Year: 1985
Publisher: Franklin Watts, Inc., New York
Notes: used, hardcover, 32 pages, excellent historical value photos

Peter Norton's DOS Guide
Peter Norton
Year: 1987
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Notes: like new, soft cover, 350+ pages

Power Programming... Turbo C++
Valluru Rao and Hayagriva Rao
Year: 1992
Publisher: MIS Press
Notes: new, soft cover, 408 pages, includes disk

Quicken User's Guide, Version 7 for DOS
Ken Kung Keung Chiu, Rainer Gustin, George D. Hill, III and Susan Hinton
Year: 1993
Publisher: Intuit
Notes: very good, soft cover, 400 pages

Quicken User's Guide, Version 3 for Windows
Eli Abbe, Paul Gentry, Tim Villanueva, Joe Wells and Daryl Yee
Year: 1993
Publisher: Intuit
Notes: very good, soft cover, 392 pages

Serif PagePlus 3.0; two book set: "Getting Started" and "Owner's Handbook"
Serif, Inc.
Year: 1994
Publisher: Serif, Inc.
Notes: like new, soft cover, 114+ pages and 312+ pages respectively

Using Corel WordPerfect Suite 7, Special Edition
Bill Bruck with Brian Underdahl
Year: 1996
Publisher: Que
Notes: like new, soft cover, 781+ pages, list $39.99

Using CP/M, A Self-Teaching Guide
Judi N. Fernandez and Ruth Ashley
Year: 1980
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Notes: fair, soft cover, 244 pages, list $15.95

Using the Operating System, OS/2 Version 2.1
Year: 1993
Publisher: IBM
Notes: like new, soft cover, 545 pages, with quick reference

Using Word for Windows 95
Eric Maloney & Joshua C. Nossiter
Year: 1995
Publisher: Que
Notes: new, soft cover, 466+ pages, list $19.99

Using WordPerfect 5.1, Special Edition
Elias Baumgarten, Robert M. Beck, Stuart Bloom, Marilyn Horn Claff, Susan Hafer, Doug Hazen, Jr., Judy Housman, Forest Lin, Schuyler Lininger, Jr., Hans A. Lustig, Michael McCoy, James C. McKeown, William J. Palm, Jon Pepper, Andrea Pickens, Karen Rose, C. Brian Scott, Joel Shore, Timothy S. Stanley, Anders R. Sterner and Charles O. Stewart III
Year: 1989
Publisher: Que
Notes: good, soft cover, 942+ pages, list $24.95

VHDL for Programmable Logic
Kevin Skahill
Year: 1996
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Notes: good, hard cover, 594 pages, VHDL: Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language, book only

Windows 95, Easy Installation Guide
Andrew Reese
Year: 1995
Publisher: Prima Publishing
Notes: new, soft cover, 100 pages. list $12.95

Windows NT Programming: An Introduction Using C++
Marshall Brain & Kelly Campbell
Year: 1994
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Notes: excellent, soft cover, 574 pages, book only

WordPerfect 5.1: The Complete Reference
Karen L. Acerson
Year: 1990
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill
Notes: very good, soft cover, 1327+ pages, list $27.95

WordPerfect for Windows
WordPerfect Corporation
Year: 1991
Publisher: WordPerfect Corporation
Notes: very good, soft cover, 276 pages, workbook, WordPerfect 5.1, Windows 3.0 or higher

WordPerfect Workbook for IBM Personal Computers
WordPerfect Corporation
Year: 1989
Publisher: WordPerfect Corporation
Notes: very good, soft cover, 483+ pages, WordPerfect 5.1