Fixing WP Super Cache and WPtouch Integration
In this guide, we tackle the integration issue and fixing conflicts between WP Super Cache and WPtouch plugins, crucial for WordPress site optimization. Starting with enabling Mobile Device Support in WP Super Cache, we move through updating Rejected User Agents, including additional user agents, clearing cached pages, ensuring plugin compatibility, and disabling WPtouch support in WP Super Cache for Pro users. This step-by-step process aims to fix compatibility issues, preventing the serving of cached desktop pages to mobile devices, thus ensuring a seamless browsing experience for all visitors while leveraging the performance benefits of caching plugins.
Tweaking Your Computer’s Spellcheck Dictionary
This how-to article explores editing the spellcheck dictionary on your computer. It begins with a personal anecdote about encountering unexpected behavior in the spellcheck function while using Outlook web mail, leading to the realization that the issue stemmed from previously added words to the spellcheck dictionary. The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to locate and edit these words in both the Chrome browser and Windows 10 operating system settings. For Chrome, it details accessing the Languages section in browser settings to manage custom words. In Windows 10, it describes navigating to the system’s spellcheck dictionary file for editing. The guide aims to help users remove misspelled words added over time, improving the spellcheck function’s accuracy. Oropallo shares his astonishment at the number of misspelled words found and hopes the instructions will assist others in refining their dictionaries. The article also references Google’s Chrome support page and Mozilla’s Firefox support website for additional information.