1.In your web browser enter:
Enter your username: whatever
and your password: password
You should now see the dashboard.
Your articles should be added as “posts” (select “posts” on left side of dashboard).
Make note of the directory on your computer where you have stored your articles.
2. On your computer, open up the file containing the article that you will be posting.
3. Highlight the title of the article, and copy and paste it into your text editor (e.g., notepad). This will remove any formatting created in Word or other word processing software.
4. Highlight the pasted material and copy.
5. On the WordPress dashboard (left side), click on “posts”.
6. Select “add new”.
7. Paste your document title in the title area of post (you may have to copy and paste pieces from your notepad).
8. Go back to your article document and highlight the article body and copy.
9. Paste this into your text editor.
10. Highlight the pasted material and copy.
11. In WordPress, paste this material into the area under “upload/insert”.
12. In the right side of this page, under “categories”, “all articles” and any other categories that this article pertains to.
13. You may “publish” the page to activate, or “preview” first to view.
14. Go back to “posts” under the dashboard on the left.
15. Find the article that you just posted and mouse over the title.
16. Select “quick edit”.
17. Select the correct author from the pull down. If the author is not listed, see steps 17a thru 17b to add a new one, otherwise, proceed to 18.
17a. Under dashboard, select “users”
17b. Add new
17c. Enter new author’s name in “username”
17d. You may enter a fake address, such as none3@mail.com or your own email address for email (the system will not let you duplicate an email address, so you need to enter a different email address from any other user)
17e. create a password (make note of that password)
17f. Next to Role, be sure to select “author”
17g. Add new user
17h. return to edit posts (step #14)
18. After selecting the author, leave password area blank (unless you want the article to be private), and change the date of the article.
19. Select “update” on the right side of the screen.
20. You should be able to view the article.