I wanted to take a moment to share an example explanation letter to a web client. Hopefully, it shows how we handle website updates and answers a few common questions. We are asked these types of questions often. At CharlesWorks, we aim to make managing your website as easy and stress-free as possible. Whether you’re comfortable making changes yourself or prefer to leave it to us, we’re here to help. There’s no cost for asking questions—we encourage you to reach out with anything you’re unsure about!
We want you to feel confident in how you can approach updates, whether it’s adding content, making design tweaks, or learning new features.
Below, you’ll find a detailed response to questions we received from an actual web client. I hope that you also glean some insights about how we work. Our goal at CharlesWorks is always to give you clear, transparent information to make the best decision for your needs.
The Question from Our Web Client
From: [CharlesWorks Client]
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 12:59 PM
To: CharlesWorks Support <support@charlesworks.com>
Subject: clarification of website changes
Can you please clarify for me a few questions that came up at our board meeting today?
- I cannot make updates to the website myself. All changes go through you.
- What is the cost for asking these questions and updating our website?
- What information do you need so [company] can add a link to their website for residents to use as a portal for rent payments etc.?
- Can we upload a newsletter each month? I think that answer is not (not affordably at least) and that is why we have the Blog tab.
Thank you,
[CharlesWorks Client]
An Example Explanation Letter
Hi [Web Client],
Charles here.
I’ll try to answer your questions – which never cost anything to ask!
- You can make any changes to the website you feel comfortable making. When we set up an account for you to do that with, please be aware we cannot be responsible for fixing other issues that inadvertently arise as a result of your changes. We only charge for when you ask us to make changes or fix things. If we make typos, etc., we do not charge to fix those, unless the fixes are as a result of what you sent us.
- There is no cost for asking these questions or inquiring about anything of us. However, if you ask us how to make changes, we do have to charge for generating instructions, etc. Instructions and/or updates are billed by the minute at our current rate of $99 per hour. For example, if a the work we perform takes 15 minutes for someone on staff here to do, the charge would be about $25.
- We would need the URL itself (https://whatever) and where you would like the link placed and even what you would want the (presumably) button to say (like Pay Here or whatever).
- Yes, you can upload a newsletter each month. However, for people to be able to download it, they will need a link (a web address – i.e., a URL) to do so. I suggest creating a blog post indicating the newsletter is there and briefly what it might address or whatever with a link to it so your interested readers can download it by clicking on the link to it.
Hopefully that clarifies all your questions. Most changes people ask us to make are about 10-30 minutes. Plus, if you want training, we can Zoom with you and show you how to perform various tasks. The cost is the same as that we charge for webwork.
To be honest, we train many people, but then they don’t perform changes enough to get good at it. So then they just have us do the changes. We don’t mind training you over and over (LOL) but it is usually just frustrating for the learner. After all, our clients have their own jobs to do without trying to become a web developer overnight. Once in a rare while someone does make changes often enough for it to be worthwhile to learn how. We even have people who have their assistants or office staff learn how to maintain their websites. What they are paying to get changes make that way is seldom cost effective as well.
Hopefully I’ve given you sufficient information for an informed decision as to how you’d like to proceed.
Enjoy the weekend!
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“Bridging the gap between geeks and the rest of you since 1998.”
CharlesWorks for YOU!
CharlesWorks, LLC, Peterborough, NH 03458-1645 http://CharlesWorks.com
– Domains – Hosting – Web Design – Search Engine Optimization –
603-924-9867 office