For those techies out there: this email server is based on a Linux based email product called Roundcube.
There is secure webmail available in this server. To access it, enter this address in your browser:
I strongly suggest you bookmark or otherwise save it to make it easy to get to going forward.
Log into your webmail account using your username and password:
If you are receiving spam mail in your inbox:
1. Select the spam mail
2. Click the “spam” button
After you continuously select a particular email address as spam, the server will start to recognize the address on it’s own and will automatically move any mail from that address to the spam folder
If you are receiving mail in your spam folder that is not spam and you want to receive it in your regular incoming mail:
1. Go into your spam folder
2. Select the mail that you want to move
3. Click the “not spam” button
After you continuously select a particular email address as not spam, the server will start to recognize the address on it’s own and will automatically stop putting that mail into the spam folder.