Every now and then I like to share ways each of you can use to increase the traffic to your website.
Increasing Traffic
Remember that when your website is linked to from other sources, you increase the probability of more traffic being sent to it. Today, I took the time to fill out info at UpCity (https://upcity.com/lists) by clicking on their Get Listed! button at the top right of their webpage.
It took me about a half hour to forty-five minutes do this.
Badges are great to put on your website. They often involve the one-time process of placing some coding in the site at or near a place of your choosing to make them appear on your web page. If you lack either time or experience to do this, we at CharlesWorks would be happy perform that at a reasonable fee for you if you need us to.
Badges help your company. They link back to your website. They boost your credibility. A company (like CharlesWorks, I must add) is more apt to be a good company to deal with if they are connected to many external (from themselves) sources of verification – even verification of their very existence. As a company, people want to know that CharlesWorks (and your company) are expected to be around when needed.
I’ve heard many complaints over the years about fly-by-nights. My favorite is about it only takes knowing the difference between a hammer and a nail to be a contractor. We all know that anyone can open a business and sell you their products or services. But not everyone remains in business for the long haul! Time is an excellent filter. Remember, a company in business for a very long time is far more apt to care about its clients.
Some Badge examples
Here is an example of a round badge. I created this badge in less than a minute in my UpCity profile. It was super easy to make. UpCity gives you the code for your website that displays this. Clicking on either of the badges below will allow you view our CharlesWorks UpCity profile. These are usually great in page footers or within a page somewhere:
And here is an example of a flat or rectangular badge. I didn’t even have to create this one. It is one of their stock badges. Again, UpCity gives you the code for your website that displays this. These are also great in page footers or within a page somewhere:
The bottom line is to try to fit the badge somewhere on a page where it looks pleasant. Yet you don’t want it to distract from your content more than necessary. And always make the hyperlink open a new tab or page using the target=”_blank” code in your hyperlink command text. You will want to keep your website’s page available in your site visitor’s browser so they don’t have to figure out how to get back to you.