Just What is a WordPress “Trackback” Anyway?

by | Sep 14, 2023 | Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Technical Help, WordPress

Understanding the WordPress Trackback: A Deep Dive

In my journey through the intricate world of blogging and content management, I’m always coming across various tools and features designed to enhance interactivity between websites. One such feature that has piqued my interest is the WordPress “trackback.” If you’ve ever been curious about what a trackback is, how it functions, or whether it’s beneficial for your site, you’ve landed in the right spot. In this piece, I’ll unravel the mysteries of WordPress trackbacks, offering insights into their operation, advantages, and potential pitfalls.

What is a WordPress Trackback?

WordPress Trackback DepictionAt its core, a trackback is a mechanism that allows one website to communicate with another. I think of it saying, “Hey, I’ve talked about your content over on my site!” But how does this communication transpire? Let’s dissect it:

    • Notification: When I craft a post on my WordPress blog and decide to reference content from another site, I can send a trackback to that site. Unlike pingbacks, this isn’t automatic. I have to manually input the trackback URL of the post I’m referencing.
    • Display: The trackback, once sent, will appear in the comments section of the post I referenced. It typically includes the title of my post, a short excerpt, and a link back to my site.

The Mechanics of a Trackback

To provide a clearer picture, let’s walk through a hypothetical trackback scenario:

An example of using Trackbacks:
Suppose I’m drafting an informative piece on CharlesWorks.com about the evolution of website design. While researching, I stumble upon a compelling article on CWCorner.com that I believe would provide valuable context to my readers. To reference this article and notify CWCorner.com:

    • I locate the trackback URL on the CWCorner.com post (usually found near the comments section).
    • I input this trackback URL into the designated trackback field on my WordPress post editor on CharlesWorks.com.
    • Once my article on CharlesWorks.com is published, CWCorner.com receives a trackback notification.
    • This trackback contains a snippet from my article and a link back to CharlesWorks.com. It displays in the comments section of the CWCorner.com post.

In essence, CWCorner.com is informed that CharlesWorks.com has mentioned or referenced its content, courtesy of the trackback system.

Trackbacks vs. Pingbacks

While trackbacks and pingbacks serve similar purposes, they differ in execution:

    • Manual vs. Automatic: Trackbacks require manual intervention—you need to find and input the trackback URL. Pingbacks, on the other hand, are automated once a link is created.
    • Content Display: Trackbacks provide a brief excerpt of the referencing content, giving readers a taste of what’s being discussed. Pingbacks simply display the link.

For you more techie types:

At a glance, trackbacks and pingbacks might seem to serve the same purpose. Technically they operate quite differently.

Trackbacks use a manual method of communication. When referencing another post, a blogger must manually send a trackback by entering the trackback URL of the post they’re referencing into their own post editor. This sends a request to the other server, which then checks for a legitimate link and, if found, displays the trackback in the comments with a title, link, and excerpt.

Pingbacks, on the other hand, are automated and use XML-RPC to communicate between servers. When a blogger links to another post, the server automatically sends a ping to the linked server. If the link is verified, a pingback is displayed in the comments, but only with the linking post’s URL. Additionally, pingbacks are bidirectional, meaning both sites get notifications, while trackbacks are unidirectional, with only the referenced site receiving a notification. Lastly, pingbacks are more secure. They require an actual link to exist for the pingback acceptance. This reduces the risk of spam. Check out https://CharlesWorks.com/just-what-is-a-wordpress-pingback-anyway/ for my article on pingbacks.

The Pros and Cons of Trackbacks

I’ve found that every tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and trackbacks are no exception:


      • Richer Context: With the inclusion of an excerpt, trackbacks offer readers a glimpse of the discussion taking place on the referencing site.
      • Enhanced Interactivity: Trackbacks foster a sense of community, allowing bloggers to be aware of and engage in discussions related to their content.


      • Spam Potential: Trackbacks are exploitable by spammers. They try to flood your comments section with irrelevant or malicious links.
      • Manual Effort: The need to locate and input trackback URLs can be cumbersome, especially for frequent references.

The SEO Implications of Trackbacks

Trackbacks, much like pingbacks, have implications for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

When utilized correctly, trackbacks can contribute to building a robust backlink profile. Manually sending a trackback to a reputable site and getting it displayed in their comments secures a backlink. This can bolster your site’s authority in the eyes of search engines, potentially improving search rankings.

However, trackbacks come with their set of challenges. Given their manual nature, they’re often exploited for spammy link-building tactics. Receiving trackbacks from low-quality sites or spam domains can harm your site’s SEO standing. Moreover, search engines have become adept at discerning genuine trackbacks from manipulative ones. As with pingbacks, it’s imperative to ensure that trackbacks are from and to high-quality, relevant sites to maximize their SEO potential.

Controlling Servers for Trackbacks using XMLRPC.php in WordPress

Trackbacks, unlike pingbacks, require manual intervention. When you send a trackback, you’re essentially communicating with another server using XML-RPC. WordPress, by default, doesn’t provide an option to whitelist or blacklist specific servers for trackbacks via XMLRPC.php. However, you can control the reception of trackbacks by toggling the ‘Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)’ option under ‘Settings’ > ‘Discussion’. For more specific server control, consider using security plugins or server configurations that can restrict XML-RPC requests to a predefined list of trusted servers.

The .htaccess file, used primarily on Apache servers (which is what I use), allows for a granular level of control over server requests, including those made via XML-RPC. By employing specific rules, you can restrict or allow XML-RPC access based on IP addresses. This method would indeed work for both pingbacks and trackbacks since both utilize XML-RPC for communication. Here are some scenarios that involve editing your .htaccess file. Such editing can usually be accomplished using your hosting control panel’s File Manager.

Here are some examples of .htaccess rules related to XML-RPC:

Block all XML-RPC access:

order deny,allow
deny from all

Allow XML-RPC access only from a specific IP (e.g., the IP of cwcorner.com):

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  # Replace with the IP address of cwcorner.com

Allow XML-RPC access from multiple specific IPs:

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  # IP of cwcorner.com
allow from yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy  # Another trusted IP

By using these rules, you can effectively control which servers or IP addresses can communicate with your WordPress site via XML-RPC, ensuring that only trusted sources (like charlesworks.com and cwcorner.com in your example) have access.

It’s worth noting that XML-RPC has been a target for brute force attacks in the past, so it’s essential to ensure your WordPress site is secure.

However, always remember to backup your .htaccess file before making any changes. Incorrect rules can potentially disrupt your website’s functionality. If you’re unsure about the IP addresses or need further assistance, it might be a good idea to consult with your hosting provider or a web administrator. Changes like these are part of the web development services that CharlesWorks does for it’s web clients at the same pricing as for any webwork we do.

To Embrace or Eschew?

The decision whether you utilize trackbacks hinges on your priorities. If you value in-depth discussions and interactivity, trackbacks might be a worthy addition. However, if you’re concerned about spam or the manual effort involved, you might opt to sidestep them.

In conclusion, trackbacks offer a unique avenue for websites to communicate and share discussions. They come with challenges. However, they can be a valuable asset for those looking to foster a sense of community and engagement. As always, you need to weigh the pros and cons and choose the path that aligns with your blogging vision!

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