Do Email lists Help reach People?
Whether for personal use or business use, you may often want to contact a large number of people at the same time. How many times have you purchased an item at a store simply because it was right there in front of you on a display? In the same way, Email marketing...
Tips for Choosing a Domain
The domain name is about the least expensive piece of one's Internet presence - yet one of the most important! Domain names are annually renewed and paid for just like a post office box - if it lapses someone else can obtain it and use it. The Domain Name's Purpose...
Scammers are getting more clever in ways to scare people into providing personal information. Here is a recent example of the type of email you should simply delete: Subject: WELCOME TO WEB MAIL!!! WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR MAIL From: Web Mail...
Civil Rights Policy
Your Civil Rights CharlesWorks operates its programs and services without regard to actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or age in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and other...
CharlesWorks Website Disclaimer
CharlesWorks LLC (referred herein and throughout the website as "CharlesWorks") provides the "Resources" and many other informational parts of this website as a public service. CharlesWorks Disclaimer Unauthorized attempts to modify any information stored on the...