I had to look up the word intergrade when I first came across the directions for this process. In a nutshell it means to merge gradually one with another through a continuous series of intermediate forms. Seems to me it is a fancy word for upgrade or update. In this...
Facebook Pixel Code Installation in a Divi WordPress Site
Installing Facebook Pixel Code on a Divi WordPress site allows you to track user interactions and optimize your ad campaigns. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the simple steps to add the pixel code to your site, ensuring you can monitor conversions like purchases or sign-ups. Whether you’re new to Divi or WordPress, this easy-to-follow process will help you start gathering valuable data in no time.
How To Fix WordPress Mobile Image Alignment & Text Wrap Problems
You need to add the margin snippet every time you align and image to right or left. <img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2440" style="padding: 20px;" src="https://website.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/plank-pest-spiders-problems-223x300.jpg" alt=""...
Do it Myself or Hire it Done?
I believe this article applies mostly to people operating a small business. Especially if what you do on the web is primarily a business endeavor for you. This type of question is always one of the many you face regarding completing webwork on your website. There are...
How to Manage Spam Comments in your Website
In doing routine server audits, I often notice that some posts on various websites are getting spammed. This usually means that a control on the post (when it was originally created) has the "Allow Comments" and/or "Allow Pings" left turned on. At that point I check a...
How to Refresh your Web Browser page
Sometimes there are procedures that are taken for granted by us here at CharlesWorks. We work in web browsers every day. So it is easy for us to forget that most people don't know how refresh their web browser. This process may be needed if changes are made to a web...
Using All-in-One WP Migration plugin to back up your website
The All-in-One WP Migration plugin is an excellent plugin for backing up, copying, cloned or migrating your WordPress website. It's become my favorite and we use it here at CharlesWorks extensively. Issues using the All-in-One WP Migration plugin The only time we have...
Best Practices for Mitigating Website Hacks
We at CharlesWorks are often asked by our web clients if their site is protected from malware and getting hacked. They also want to know if there site IS hacked, whether there be a charge to fix it. The totally hack-proof website The totally hack proof website has no...
How to Override the WordPress default 45 tag cloud limit
If you have a WordPress website with many tags, you have undoubtedly ran into a situation where you notice they are not always all displayed. This happened to me when adding a new tag and I noticed it was not displayed. Researching this on the Internet revealed a lot...
Gravity Forms Styling for Submit Button
I was having trouble making a nice SUBMIT button on a Gravity Form. Looking for help out on the Internet had all kinds of purported solutions, some recommending getting additional plugins and so on. Luckily, I didn't need to add any plugins! We always want to avoid...