I intend to focus this article on yet another way of speeding up your website's page loading time. My focus here will be hooking up Redis to speed page loading in complex websites. Over the years I've noticed that website pages have become more complex to meet the...
Web Development
How to Reset or Recover the Joomla Super Administrator Password
It can be very frustrating to have gotten locked out of administrative control of your Joomla! website. The information here requires that you have access to your Joomla! website's database. That information can be gained via FTP if you have FTP access, or via your...
DirectAdmin Upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 breaks Installatron
Installatron is a great server product. We have been using it since May of 2016 on a number of our website servers. Installatron is very cost effective and interfaces directly with DirectAdmin. It allows CharlesWorks staff to quickly set up websites on our servers for...
Fixing Website Page Not Found (404 Errors) Using Redirection
In the course of managing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in one or more websites, you or your web clients most probably have seen an email from Google containing something along the lines of what looks like what is shown here. What is a 404 Error? The infamous 404...
PayPal Procedure to Intergrade the Advanced Version Check Out
I had to look up the word intergrade when I first came across the directions for this process. In a nutshell it means to merge gradually one with another through a continuous series of intermediate forms. Seems to me it is a fancy word for upgrade or update. In this...
How To Fix WordPress Mobile Image Alignment & Text Wrap Problems
You need to add the margin snippet every time you align and image to right or left. <img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2440" style="padding: 20px;" src="https://website.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/plank-pest-spiders-problems-223x300.jpg" alt=""...
Fix “Secure Connection Failed” Error in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer
We've run into trouble recently loading sites lacking SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption on our workstations. The issue has been happening using both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Researching why this was occurring led me to some possible fixes I will address...
Do it Myself or Hire it Done?
I believe this article applies mostly to people operating a small business. Especially if what you do on the web is primarily a business endeavor for you. This type of question is always one of the many you face regarding completing webwork on your website. There are...
How to Manage Spam Comments in your Website
In doing routine server audits, I often notice that some posts on various websites are getting spammed. This usually means that a control on the post (when it was originally created) has the "Allow Comments" and/or "Allow Pings" left turned on. At that point I check a...
Fixing an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Redirections Error
A usual part of solving issues as they arise in the website development business is searching Google for solutions. Very seldom have I ever been the first or only individual to find a particular problem needing a solution. I don't believe the situation I'll describe...