Email Tutorial: Spam Control – Roundcube
For those techies out there: this email server is based on a Linux based email product called Roundcube. There is secure webmail available in this server. To access it, enter this address in your browser: I strongly suggest you bookmark...
Thank you all from CharlesWorks!
The summer is coming to a close, and you know what's next: the Holidays! We would like to get a jump on the season of thanks by letting you know how much we appreciate your continued patronage. Thanks to faithful web clients like yourself, CharlesWorks has seen the...
How to Configure Thunderbird 10 Email
You can access your SmarterMail accounts with a desktop client like Mozilla Thunderbird 10 by using either IMAP or POP3. Please note that currently Thunderbird 10 can only synchronize SmarterMail messages. Funambol SyncML and the Lightning add-on are required to...
How to Configure IMAP for Apple Mobile Devices
The iPhone and iPad supports IMAP. IMAP allows you to retrieve emails and folders from SmarterMail and other mail systems and leave the emails on the server. Applies to All Versions of SmarterMail (and most mail servers supporting IMAP) Follow these steps to...
How to Choose your Web hosting Company:
Seven questions to ask your potential provider! If you or your business has an online presence, a crucial part of the whole web presence is deciding who will host your website. The web hoster provides the web space. It also manages the servers on which your site will...
WordPress MySQL Search and Replace
There are times when you must enter the WordPress MySQL database to search and replace some content. If you don’t have to do this, then DO NOT DO THIS. If you have to do this, then your head should be examined carefully, opened up and inspected for programming errors,...
What is winmail.dat?
Many times you might receive an email with an attachment called winmail.dat. The file is sent from people using Microsoft Outlook as their email program. The file allows Outlook users to send Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) information along with the...
Email Tips
It's not always the best way to keep in touch, but with our hectic schedules, we have come to rely on email as our preferred form of communication, for both business and personal use. To help avoid the pitfalls of poor communication via email, here are some email tips...
How do I transfer my domain name from to MelbourneIT?
IMPORTANT: Transferring your domain name to another registrar cancels your OfficeLive account and you will lose all your web pages, email, etc. The Domain Registration Key (DRK) provided initially is different from the Domain Name password required later during domain...
How do I transfer my domain name from MelbourneIT to GoDaddy?
IMPORTANT: The Domain Registration Key (DRK) provided initially is different from the Domain Name password required later during domain name transfer. MelbourneIT calls it Domain Name Password/authinfo while GoDaddy calls it an Authorization Code. Make sure the domain...