Removing the WooCommerce Product Long Description metabox
In order to remove the product long description metabox, simply add the following snippet to your website's functions.php file: function remove_pages_editor(){ remove_post_type_support( 'product', 'editor' ); } add_action( 'init', 'remove_pages_editor' ); Note: This...
How to Override the WordPress default 45 tag cloud limit
If you have a WordPress website with many tags, you have undoubtedly ran into a situation where you notice they are not always all displayed. This happened to me when adding a new tag and I noticed it was not displayed. Researching this on the Internet revealed a lot...
Gravity Forms Styling for Submit Button
I was having trouble making a nice SUBMIT button on a Gravity Form. Looking for help out on the Internet had all kinds of purported solutions, some recommending getting additional plugins and so on. Luckily, I didn't need to add any plugins! We always want to avoid...
Safe Practices for Installing WordPress Plugin, Theme and Core Updates to Your Website
Since I started CharlesWorks in 1998, it has been abundantly clear as a web developer that there are two types of web clients when it comes to site maintenance: Those who want us to do any maintenance needed as they need it Those who want to try to maintain their...
How to install PHP and the “intl” extension on a Virtualmin Debian server
Not too long ago, I wrote an article indicating Some Great Reasons to use a Local Debian Server running Virtualmin. In it, I mentioned that I had built a Debian 10 server to try out the Virtualmin control panel. Virtualmin is a control panel that allows adding of...
How to fix WordPress Mobile Image Alignment & Text Wrap Problems
When adding your image from the media library, set the alignment in the attachment display settings in the media library. Add to child theme css: @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { figure.alignleft, img.alignleft, figure.alignright, img.alignright {...
Some Great Reasons to use a Local Debian Server running Virtualmin
I recently built a Debian 10 server to try out the Virtualmin control panel. Virtualmin is a control panel that allows adding of websites to a server for access to a private or public network. The goal of the server is to host WordPress websites under development in a...
Basic WordPress Login Instructions
Everything manageable in a WordPress website happens in what is called the WordPress website's Dashboard. Whether managing content, changing or modifying, uploading graphics or photos, or just gaining access to view the site past an Under Construction page, one must...
Default local mail server disable for new DirectAdmin domains
As a general policy at CharlesWorks, we set up email on separate servers from your website. Doing this keeps mail server traffic from affecting website resources and vice versa. The local mail server on the DirectAdmin must be disabled when using a remote mail server....
Email Phishing Still at an All Time High
Practically everyone living on the planet Earth should understand what phishing is by now. But for those who might not, a Google search brought this up for me: "the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce...